There's a couple of ways to program a new remote. For this discussion I'm going to refer to the M3-2312 2-button remote but it holds true for the M3-2314 4-button remote and the M3-3313 3-button keychain remote.
All new remotes come with a programming connector and instructions. If you don't have one you can get a New Programming Connector here. If you have an existing M3-2312 remote then the easiest way to program the new remote is to use the programming connector. You connect the jumper between the existing remote and the new remote - press and hold the button on the existing remote that currently works your opener then press & hold the button on the new remote that you want to work the opener - the LED light on the remotes flicker & you're done. Nothing to it.
However, what do you do if you don't have an existing remote (perhaps you lost it or you just moved into the home and they didn't leave you a remote). Here's a rundown on how to program a new remote by using the buttons on the powerhead unit on the ceiling instead of the programming connector (this is for the M-Line series but is similar for the Q-Line - email us if you need instructions for the Q-Line). You should see 3 red buttons: "+"button / "-"button / "P"button. There are also 8 numbered red LED lights:
TO MAKE OR CHANGE ANY ADJUSTMENT: Press & hold the "P" button for approximately 2 seconds. When all the LED's illuminate and LED #2 begins to blink, release the button. You are now ready to start programming. Press the "P" button until the #7 LED is illuminated LED #7 should be blinking. The opener can now learn the code of the hand-held remote.
While LED #7 is blinking, press and hold the button on the remote. Once the opener has successfully received the code from the remote, press and release the "P" button. This stores the code in memory. It also completes the adjustment setting sequence and completes the program process. The LEDs will automatically fade out in a circular pattern which indicates that the program mode is complete. LED #8 should now be illuminated and the opener is ready for operation.
If you have another remote that needs programmed after programming one through the powerhead then use the programming connector as previously described.

If you have an older ML-1312 315MHz remote and you have a newer M3-2312 315MHz remote then you'll need an "Old-to-New" Jumper Cable. This works the same way as the programming connector (as described above). These programming connectors used to be free but as of January 2010 Marantec Mfg charges for them. If you need a programming connector they can be found here on our webstore.
That's about it - hope this information has been helpful.
Click on a remote below to go to the Garage Door Zone & purchase a new remote
Hi, I got a new Marantec 4-button model, the old one with red buttons. After I program it I can only open the door, not close. I got a Raynor R3000. Thanks for any tip, Per-Arne
If the operator refuses to close the door then there's probably an issue with the photo-eyes. The sensors may be knocked out of alignment, dirty, a wire is off or they failed and need replaced. You'll need to do a little troubleshooting to find the problem.
Yes you were right! When I programed the remote, by accident I turned on the sensor, even though I don't have any infra-sensors installed. That prevented the door to open. So now it works. Thanks Brian.
I just received the Marantec Remote for M line and I had no prior remote to link it with. But after following the instruction on how to program it without the connector, it started working just fine. Thanks a lot for the tip.
Help! My m3-2312 won't auto learn:( no rapid blinking!! So frustrating, did I break the remote.
Hi Chad,
Send us an email to store@garagedoorzone.com and we'll try to help you. It's easier than trying to ask questions back & forth here on the blog. Thanks.
My 83 year old grandmother had 2 remotes, and swears after several visitors have been to her home that someone must have stolen 1 of them. Now she is constantly fearful that someone will break into her home via the attached garage. Is there a way to change the code on the opener itself, and then reprogram her existing remote to it?
Hi TwiXxy,
There is a way to clear out the remote & reprogram it. If you can email us at: store@garagedoorzone.com with the model of opener your grandmother has we can email you the instructions to erase the remote code & reprogram the remote to her specific opener.
My HOA has a Gate. Is it possible to program Ch 2 to a different device code?
Impimpster - I'm assuming you have a 2-button Marantec remote & you want to use one of the buttons to open a gate? It would only be possible if the gate operator had a Marantec 315MHz frequency radio receiver.
How do you program a key chaing remote with a jumper and a remote keypad that is working. Thanks
Hi Wilson,
If your keyless is working but the keychain remote is not then you'll need to use the program jumper to transfer the code from a working remote to the keychain remote. If you don't have a working remote then you'll need to program the keychain remote into the powerhead and then transfer the code to the keyless entry using the jumper.
I bought new m3 2312 and programmed to existingm1 opener. I then bought connector for old ml 1312 opener. I have tried countless times to sync old remote to new one. Are there any special tips you can provide? Do I use left or right side on new remote? And, should light on new remote blink? I am hoping there is somethingsimple I am missing. I wasable to program new remote to opener, but cant seem to get older remote working.
DPM - did your old remote work before you programmed the new one? Does the red LED light on the old one come on when you press the button? Have you tried a new battery in the old remote?
It doesn't matter which side of the remote you use to attach the programming connector and the light on new remote should be solid. The older remote light will blink & go solid when it is programmed.
Hi Brian:
I have a Marantec M4500 garage door opener with 2 ML-1312-24 remotes. I just purchased a M3-631 wireless keypad. I am trying to program the keypad using a programming cable. I have the "Old-to-New" which I purchased from you guys (ordered Friday night, arrived here in Phoenix on Monday!).
Following the directions that came with the M3-631, but no matter how many times I try, it doesn't seem that the M3-631 is picking anything up.
Do you happen to know offhand if the M3-631 can be programmed with the old-to-new jumper cables and an ML-1312-24 remote?
Thanks much!
Heh... nevermind my previous comment. Everything works fine. As luck would have it, the battery on my remote ran out as I was trying to get the keypad programmed :D
Replaced the battery in the remote, and everything went smoothly.
Thanks :)
Yes Charlie you can program the keyless by using the Old-to-New Jumper with the ML-1312 remote.
You may need to check a few things: does the LED light come on the keyless when you press the buttons? If not then check the batteries in the keyless.
Make sure you push the connectors in as far as they will go - sometimes they don't go in far enough to make contact.
Remove all 4 screws from the back of the keyless, pull the two halves apart and make sure the black membrane that goes around the keyless is seated properly. Reinstall all the screws and make sure they're tight.
Hopefully one of these solutions will solve the problem.
That's great Charlie. I guess I'll leave my previous response up here in case anyone else has similar problems.
Hi Brian:
Yup, seeing the LED light not coming on on the remote clued me in to check the battery. As did the fact that the garage door stopped opening and closing as I was trying to transfer the code :D
In any event, I appreciate all of the tips you posted above. Definitely very useful/helpful.
Thanks again,
I have the main button on my M3-2312 remote programmed to the door I drive in and out of every day. Unfortunately, I cannot get the 2nd button to program to my other garage door.
The 2nd garage door is linked to an older ML-1312 remote, so I know it's possible. But when I go through the steps, I can never get the 2nd button my M3-2312 remote to accept the code for that door. Any suggestions?
Hi Kitty,
If you have the ML1312 remote programmed into the 2nd opener then you can't program another remote into the unit (the openers only hold one programmed remote). To get the other button on your remote to work with the 2nd opener you need to use an "Old-to-New" programming jumper. You connect the ML1312 remote to the M3-2312 remote and transfer the code from the old remote to the new remote.
Just look under Search All Marantec Parts on the GarageDoorZone.com website.
I got it the first time! Thank you for your support, I had a M line model system and only a numeric remote. I got the system to number 7 and programmed the m3-2312 easily
Hi Brian -
This post has been active for a few years so I hope you're still answering questions!
I have an Mline 4500 opener that is paired with two remotes (actually built-in remotes in our vehicles). Last week, both remotes stopped working at the same time, however the garage door can still be opened using the wall button. I thought the first stop should be to try a re-program before buying a new remote module for the opener.
I tried to reprogram, but nothing happens after holding the "P" button down. I tried multiple times but am getting no LED light changes. Do you have any guess about what could be causing this?
Have you checked to make sure the lockout button on the wall station has not been engaged? If the LED light on the wall station is blinking then the lockout button is on (this locks out all remotes). To turn it off - press & hold the lockout button for 2-3 seconds and all the remotes should work.
Hi Ryan,
You can only use Marantec remotes with the Marantec M4500 opener like the M3-2312 Remote. The universal remotes won't work.
Hello Brian-
I have a Marantec 4500e. I believe the M3-2312 remote is compatible with it, but I'm having trouble programming. First off, does the remote work with a 4500e? If so, should I follow the instructions above to program or does it require another set of instructions?
Hi bv,
Yes, the M3-2312 remote works with the M4500e opener. Instructions are pretty much the same. Press & hold "P" button until #8,#1, light up & release button. Now press & release "P" button until #6,#7,#8 are lit. Now press & hold transmitter button - #7 should flash. Release transmitter button. Press & release "P" button.
That's all there is to it.
hi, I have two Marantic mac-lift III deluxe 2005 running my two garage doors, but only found one remote when I moved in. Is it possible to program the remote for the other door or do I have to buy another remote. I don't really need to open the smaller door with a remote.( also I was trying to make the wife happy as she hasn't been able to park in the garage since we bought the place three yrs ago and I finally cleaned it out))Thanks, Rick
Your Mac-Lift openers most likely have 40MHz frequency receivers. If they do then there are no remotes available in that frequency. You would have to add a new 75424 Plug-in Radio Receiver to upgrade to the newer 315MHz frequency.
However, if you have the ML1402 2-button remotes then you can program each button to each garage door opener so your remote can open either door.
Hi Brian,
You are awesome for all this help to everyone and I hope this isn’t a redundant issue. I have two M3-2312 transmitters that both worked in the past. I recently replaced the batteries in both and while one works flawlessly, the other is not functioning and had a continuous, steady, red, led status, even with no button pressed. I attempted to reprogram the remote but once the powerhead unit was flashing led #7 and awaiting transmitter signal, any push of the buttons on the remote with the illuminated led produced no reaction on the powerhead unit. The working remote produced a signal and was successfully synchronized with powerhead unit.
Is there anything I can do to regain function in this transmitter, or is it kaput? Thanks!
If the button on remote continues to glow after you press it then it sounds like the button is sticking. Take the two halves of the remote apart and try cleaning around the button area.
As far as programming it...only one remote can be programmed into a Marantec opener. To program additional remotes you need to use a "programming connector". You connect the programmed remote to the new (or 2nd remote) and transfer the code from one to the other.
Hey Brian,
It's great that you're taking the time to help folks out here! I have two M3-2312's and the larger button on either remote seems to be non-functional. The indicator LED doesn't even come on. When I push the smaller button, the LED lights up, but it has no effect on my garage door. Any insight would be much appreciated!
Hi Matt,
If both remotes stopped working at the same time then the Vacation Button on the wall station has been engaged. Press the button for 2-3 seconds and it will turn off the vacation function and the remotes will work again.
If the LED light does not come on when you press the larger button on the remote but does come on for the smaller button then that is an indication that the battery in the remote should be replaced.
If you need any further help or information feel free to email me at Store@GarageDoorZone.com
My Lexus built in remote works with our 4500e. Why wont a universal remote work?
Your Homelink system in your Lexus clones the Marantec remote while the "universal" remotes are made to produce a certain frequency and code. I am not aware of any "universal" remotes that work with Marantec equipment.
You're always best to stay away from the "universal" remotes unless the originals are no longer available from the manufacturer. The original remotes always seem to work better than "universal" remotes.
Just purchased a house with two Marantec 4500s installed with an M3-631 Keyless Entry outside. Have one working M3-2312 door opener. Have no idea what the PIN for the existing M3-631 may be. Can I reprogram that with the working M3-2312?
You can program the keyless entry by using your remote but you'll need a the new programming connector. You'll connect the remote to the keyless with the connector to program the keyless.
If you don't have a connector go to our website: www.GargeDoorZone.com and click on Search All Marantec Parts on the left side. Scroll down to the 7th row. You'll find the New Program Connector.
Hi! I have 3 Marantec MLine 4700's openers, three M3-2314 remotes, 3 M3-543 wall stations, and one M3-631 keyless unit. The wall stations are each connected to a garage door and the remotes are all programmed to all of the openers (4 buttons, top is garage door 1, right is garage door 2, bottom is garage door 3, left is blank). Our issue is that we can only seem to get the keyless unit to accept two codes. We've cleared the memory, reset and retried programming multiple times and in different door orders, but we can't get all three door codes programmed into the keyless unit. Any advice? Everything we've read in the instructions and online tells us that we should be able to program three units to the keyless.
I've never heard of the keyless accepting only 2 pin numbers. You mentioned that you cleared the keyless entry and started over which would have been my advice. It may be that the keyless entry is defective.
I have a ML 2005 opener. When I press the button on the remote the light on the remote keeps blinking even after I let go. Thoughts?
Eric - it sounds like the button on the remote may be worn and is sticking.
I have a ML 2005 and got myself a pair of m3-2312 transmitters. I follow the programing instructions with no luck. Light #7 keeps blinking is not paring with the remote.
That remote won't work with the opener because the opener has a 40MHz frequency receiver and the remote is 315MHz frequency - they aren't compatible. You'll need to add a 75424 Marantec Plug-in Radio Receiver to the operator for the remote to work because Marantec no longer offers the 40MHz frequency remotes.
You can find the 75424 receiver at www.GarageDoorZone.com
I have a marantec 4500 that has worked great for years. Recently, I was opening my door in the morning to discover my garage door was opening sometime during the night. It has been random as well, because some mornings it is still closed. I am very confused. I have followed the directions to reprogram my remote, but is there something else I should be doing. Thanks, Matthew.
Hi Matthew,
Two things that can most commonly cause the door to open: the remote or the wall station. There may be a button on a remote that is sticking or worn out & sending a signal to the opener. Test this by pressing the Lock Out button on the wall station before you go to bed. If the door still opens in the middle of the night then it's not the remotes. Press & hold the Lock Out button for a few seconds to disengage the lock out feature.
So if it's not the remotes then it most likely the wall station. Check the wires from the wall station to the opener. Make sure they are installed properly & not touching each other causing the door to open. Also check & make sure there aren't any staples pinching the wires.
If neither of these sugggestions work then you may need to contact your local Marantec dealer for a service call.
I have a Marantec M-4500 and one 40 MHz Midi Transmitter (1-channel, Model ML-1401) that came with the house from the previous owners. When I push the red button on the transmitter, the LED flashes - I assume correctly - but the door doesn't move.
When I attempt to reprogram the transmitter, LED #7 just continues blinking (not rapidly) no matter how long I hold down the transmitter button.
Could I have a bad modular receiver? If so, would the 75424 Plug-in Receiver be the solution (while also replacing my 40 MHz remote with a 315MHz)?
The door opens and closes from the wall pushbutton with no problem.
Any suggestions?
Try pulling the radio receiver out and then pushing it back in (you'll find the small receiver in a slot on top of the operator). Then try reprogramming the remote. If it still doesn't work then the 75424 Plug-in Receiver Set found here will work as a replacement.
We did try all of that to no avail.
What is the difference between the Marantrc 73870 and 75424 Plug-in Receivers?
No difference. Marantec changed the part number from 73870 to 75424.
Thank you SO much!
I'm having the same issue as Emily... :(
We have a ML2005 and we've never had a functional remote in the 2 yrs we've owned the home.
I purchased a mini transmitter (M3-2312) which I understood would be able to be programmed without an existing functional opener.
I followed the steps until the time came to hold down the button and wait for #7 to light up rapidly. It never happened.
I see you recommended purchasing the plug in receiver - can you please explain how to install/program that device? Once installed, will it work with the remote I already bought?
Thank you!
The remote won't program to the opener because the remote is working on 315MHz frequency and the radio receiver on the opener is 40MHz frequency - they're not compatible.
The 75424 Plug-in receiver is 315MHz frequency so the remote you have will work with it. The blog post here explains the receiver setup.
Thank you so much! I'm hopeful I'll be able to do this on my own. Is it pretty obvious where (on the power head) to plug in the wire from the reciever?
If I have more questions I'll come back and post here.
Thanks again... And wish me luck!
You can read the installation instructions here
You can purchase just the plug-in radio receiver here
Thanks, Brian! Install was easy and I finally have a functional remote! Thank you!!!
How do I know when device has actually successfully received the transmitter code from the remote when programming garage to open/c;ose from the P-button?
Does the #7 LED stop blinking? Any help will be highly approciated.
Henry - while the #7 is blinking press & hold the remote button until the #7 blinks rapidly. Once #7 is flashing rapidly you can release the remote button - the opener has learned the remote. Press the "P" button again & the remote is stored in the memory and programming is complete.
I have a marantac 4500. I have one remote and a keypad. When i tried to change the keypad pin, it stopped working.
When i go to use the P #7 to reprogram, the opener only recognizes the keypad or the remote but not both. Also, when it works with the keypad, my car home links stop working.
What am i doing incorrectly?
I'm not sure Steve. I've never heard of that happening before. I suggest that you contact Marantec directly for help. You can do so by calling 1-847-478-1500
Circuit boards only have so many "spaces" for things to program. So when he programs the remote it kicks out the keypad because its full. He needs to erase the memory on the board first and the reprogam. Should be able to hold down the learn button for 30 seconds and erase the board.
Actually Rob that's not correct. The logic board has separate slots for the keyless entry and the remotes. One does not affect the other. Also Marantec operators are not like other brands of operators - Marantec operators do not have a Learn Button. On Marantec operators you clear out the code on the remotes not the radio receiver.
Will any aftermarket openers work with marantec openers?
No. There are no aftermarket or universal remotes that will work with the Marantec operators. You need to use Marantec brand remotes.
I have a marantec 4500 in my house. I sold my car with the remote control in it. I can't get ahold of the guy I sold the car too. Is there a way to reset the power head unit? Ps: all my remote controls are gone. Only using the wall one.
If you don't plan on buying a new remote for the operator then just press the Lockout Button on the wall station...this locks out all of the remotes. You could also just remove the radio receiver and no remotes would be able to access the operator.
I have three marantec 4500 garage doors in a house we just purchased. We have 2 two button remotes that correspondingly open two of the doors. The prev owner stated there is a way to open the third door, but we can't get a hold of him to find out how. Any suggestions or sequence of buttons to make it work?
Ashish - purchase another remote & program it to the 3rd operator.
P button stuck on unit. How to release it without damaging unit.
The buttons sit loose in the cover & can sometimes get a little out of whack. Removed the cover & then put the cover back on so the buttons sit properly.
Hi, I recently bought a new marantec remote for the comfort 800. How can we program the new remote without effecting others remotes
Use a programming connector to transfer the code from an existing programmed remote to the new remote.
I came home today and pushed the button on my remote and my door did not open. I've had the remote for about 2 years, so I changed battery and tried again and nothing. The lockout button is not flashing, so it's not that. I checked the sensors, all working fine. Also the wall unit is working perfectly. What can I do to get my remote working again? Thanks
Try reprogramming the remote to the operator. You'll find the programming instructions for your particular model in the operator manual. You can find all of the Marantec operator manuals at: http://www.marantecamerica.com/en/media-center.html
I have a marantec elite ex-2007 433Mhz unit. I bought a new 2 buttons 433Mhz remote control. I did the programming process but #7 led didn't blink rapidly and the door didn't move. I don't have original remote control. Do I need to reprogram the unit itself with a new code? How do I do that?
Double check & make sure the radio receiver is 433MHz frequency first. If it is then pull the receiver out and push it back in. Try programming the remote again. If it still doesn't work then most likely the receiver is no longer working.
Hello. I just moved into a new home with
Marantec M4500. I just bought new remotes and programmed them fine. The doors open but don't close. How can I go about trouble shooting for deeper issues?
Hi Roxana,
It sounds like the photo-electric safety sensors at the bottom of the door are out of alignment, dirty or stopped functioning. You can find the manual for your operator here: http://support.garagedoorzone.com/m4500--m4700-opener-manual.html
Thanks so much
I have 3 M4500e Marantec openers and 3 m3-2312 remote transmitters with 3 single car garage doors. 2 transmitters open door 1. One transmitter opens door 3. None will open door 2. Can I reprogram one of the door 1 transmitters to open door 2 or will I have to get a new transmitter for door 2? Thanks!
Your remotes have 2 buttons (upper & lower). Take one of the remotes and program the lower button to Door #2. Or you can take one of the remotes that opens Door 1 and program it to open Door #2. Click on the M4500e Topic (on the left side of this blog) to see the instructions on programming a remote to the operator (or you can also find the programming instructions in your manual).
I just moved into a rental home, it has a garage door which is a Marantec 4500. Its the three red button type. I did research to find that only a Marantec opener will work therefore I ordered a Marantec opener for models 315 MHz or 916 MHZ. I went through the programming for both items that had instructions both the Marantec head and the Marantec opener instructions. At no time in either did #7 on the head change speeds on its flashing indicating it communicated. Nothing indicated they communicated. The Door bell type opener on the wall however works each and every time. I spotted your post on incidents where that happened and to check the lockout on the wall..to the best of my knowledge I can find no lockout on the wall or even if there is one where it might be. The landlord is going to be no help on this as all they do is buy houses and rent them..any suggestions would be helpful.
First you need to confirm exactly what remote you purchased. It can either use 315MHz frequency OR 916MHz frequency but not both. The frequency should be printed on the back of the remote.
Next, you need to confirm what frequency of radio receiver the operator has. Marantec has used four different frequencies over the years so it's important you get the correct remote to work with it. You'll need to pull the receiver out of the slot it's in and read the frequency printed on it. The radio receiver can be found in a slot on top of the powerhead (motor unit). The receiver is gray, 2-1/2"x1-1/2" and has a 12" long gray antenna wire coming out of it. Pull the receiver out of the slot and you'll be able to read the frequency printed on it.
Now check and make sure that the frequency printed on the remote is the same as the frequency printed on the receiver.
The remote is indeed 315Mhz, the head is 390MHz. In researching I can't find any 390MHz remotes by Marantec, the remote I ordered does have the 3 pin jumper for the lateral side and I have tried it to change the frequency of the remote by following the instructions to short one of the two ends to the middle with no luck.
That's what I figured and why I wanted you to check the frequencies. The 315MHz remote is not compatible with the 390MHz receiver. Marantec discontinued the 390MHz remotes 6 or 7 years ago. There are no 390MHz replacement remotes available ("Universal" type remotes won't work either). Also, shorting the 3-prong jumper does not change the frequency of the remote it changes the code of the remote.
If you have a Marantec M3-2312 Remote or a Marantec 382-Digital Remote (the model is printed on the back of the remote) then you would need to add a new 75424RC Marantec Receiver to your operator for the remote to be compatible with it. Go to our website: https://www.garagedoorzone.com/75424RC-Marantec-Garage-Door-Opener-Radio-Receiver-Only-75424RC.htm
or email us at: Store@GarageDoorZone.com with a link request for the 75424RC and we'll email you the link.
Is there any way to program a generic 315 megahertz remote to work with this?
No only Marantec remotes work on Marantec garage door openers.
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